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Speaker Appointments

Speaker Appointments

The Speaker of the State Assembly has the authority to appoint members to California State Boards and Commissions. Appointees are entrusted with the responsibility to ensure that the state carries out its constitutional and statutory obligations. There are over 200 opportunities to serve in a multitude of areas.

California needs quality leadership that reflects the rich diversity of our great state. Appointments are an opportunity for civic engagement and the chance to enrich the lives of Californians.

How to Apply for a Speaker Appointment

Thank you for your interest in serving the people of the State of California. To be considered for an Assembly Speaker appointment, please complete and return the application form found below.

In completing the form, please note the following:

  • The application form must be completed in full. If a particular question does not apply to you, please make the indication "not applicable" or "N/A". In addition to the completed application form, please attach your resume and/or biography.
  • Please type or print legibly your information in the spaces provided on the form. If it is necessary to explain any of your answers, or if you wish to provide more information than the space allows, feel free to use attachments. Please number the entries on your attachments according to the question on the application form.
  • Please mail a hard copy of your completed application, stapled together with the required attachments to the address below, as well as email a copy to

Honorable Robert Rivas
Assembly Appointments Unit
Legislative Office Building
1020 N Street, Room 410
Sacramento, CA 95814

If you have questions regarding your application please call 916-319-2029 or email

Appointments Application (PDF)

List of Boards and Commissions (PDF)

View Appointments Brochure (PDF)