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Speaker Robert Rivas Announces New Assembly Committee Chair Appointments

New leaders to focus on practical solutions that improve opportunity and quality of life for Californians; greatest number of women leading committees in Assembly history

For immediate release:

On Friday, Speaker Robert Rivas announced California State Assembly committee chairperson appointments for the 2025 legislative year.

“Californians expect us to deliver practical solutions that improve everyday life, like building more housing for families and lowering energy costs,” Speaker Rivas said. “I look forward to working with the Assembly’s new leaders to chart a path forward that renews opportunity and innovation in our state.”

With the Speaker’s appointments, more women will lead Assembly committees than ever before in state history. “I’m proud our Assembly boasts the greatest number of women legislators and committee leaders in California history,” Speaker Rivas said.

The following are Speaker Rivas’ Assembly committee chair appointments:

Aging and Long-Term Care: Assemblymember Jasmeet Bains

Agriculture: Assemblymember Esmeralda Soria

Appropriations: Assemblymember Buffy Wicks

Arts, Entertainment, Sports, and Tourism: Assemblymember Christopher Ward

Banking and Finance: Assemblymember Avelino Valencia

Budget: Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel

Budget - Health: Assemblymember Dawn Addis

Budget - Human Services: Assemblymember Corey Jackson

Budget - Education Finance: Assemblymember David Alvarez

Budget - Climate Crisis, Resources, Energy, Transportation: Assemblymember Steve Bennett

Budget - State Administration: Assemblymember Sharon Quirk-Silva

Budget - Public Safety: Assemblymember James Ramos

Budget - Accountability and Oversight: Assemblymember Gregg Hart

Business and Professions: Assemblymember Marc Berman

Communications and Conveyance: Assemblymember Tasha Boerner

Economic Development, Growth, and Household Impact: Assemblymember José Solache

Education: Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi

Elections: Assemblymember Gail Pellerin

Emergency Management: Assemblymember Rhodesia Ransom

Environmental Safety and Toxic Materials: Assemblymember Damon Connolly

Governmental Organization: Assemblymember Blanca Rubio

Health: Assemblymember Mia Bonta

Higher Education: Assemblymember Mike Fong

Housing and Community Development: Assemblymember Matt Haney

Human Services: Assemblymember Alex Lee

Insurance: Assemblymember Lisa Calderon

Joint Legislative Committee on Climate Change Policies: Assemblymember Jacqui Irwin

Joint Committee on Legislative Audit: Assemblymember John Harabedian

Judiciary: Assemblymember Ash Kalra

Labor and Employment: Assemblymember Liz Ortega

Legislative Ethics: Assemblymember Catherine Stefani (co-chair)

Local Government: Assemblymember Juan Carrillo

Military and Veterans Affairs: Assemblymember Pilar Schiavo

Natural Resources: Assemblymember Isaac Bryan

Privacy and Consumer Protection: Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan

Public Employment and Retirement: Assemblymember Tina McKinnor

Public Safety: Assemblymember Nick Schultz

Revenue and Taxation: Assemblymember Mike Gipson

Rules: Assemblymember Blanca Pacheco

Transportation: Assemblymember Lori Wilson

Utilities and Energy: Assemblymember Cottie Petrie-Norris

Water, Parks, and Wildlife: Assemblymember Diane Papan


Speaker Rivas’ leadership and floor team appointments:

Majority Leader: Assemblymember Cecilia Aguiar-Curry

Speaker Pro Tem: Assemblymember Josh Lowenthal

Democratic Caucus Chair: Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur

Majority Whip: Assemblymember Mark González

Assistant Majority Leader: Assemblymember Robert Garcia

Assistant Speaker Pro Tem: Assemblymember Celeste Rodriguez

Assistant Majority Whip: Assemblymember Michelle Rodriguez

Assistant Majority Whip: Assemblymember Jessica Caloza

Assistant Majority Leader for Policy and Research: Assemblymember LaShae Sharp-Collins
