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California Legislature Passes Historic School Infrastructure and Climate Bonds for the November Ballot

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, CA— The California State Legislature passed two bonds for voters’ consideration this November, including the Kindergarten Through Grade 12 Schools and Local Community College Public Education Facilities Modernization, Repair, and Safety Bond Act of 2024; and the Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act of 2024.

Speaker of the Assembly Robert Rivas

“California voters will now weigh-in on historic and much-needed investments in our schools and K-14 infrastructure, and critical needs for wildfire prevention, access to clean water and climate action. I’m very grateful to my legislative colleagues for their dedication and commitment working on these bonds, and for ensuring Californians will now have a strong voice in the process.”

Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia

“We are taking urgent action to provide relief to communities across our state ravaged by the devastating and deadly consequences of climate change. This California climate bond will make historic and transformational investments to protect residents, bolster resiliency, ensure equity for our most vulnerable, and create economic opportunities as we move to achieve our climate and renewable energy goals. We highly commend our Assembly Speaker, Senate President pro Tempore, and all of our colleagues whose leadership and contributions shaped this into an equity-focused investment plan that best reflects the priorities of our state’s diverse regions,” said Assemblymember Garcia (D-Coachella).

Assemblymember Lori Wilson

“California is at a critical juncture with climate change posing dire challenges, and SB 867 (Allen) represents an urgent and decisive step towards securing our future,” said Assemblywoman Lori D. Wilson (D-Suisun City), a lead co-author of the legislation. “The time to act is now. This climate bond is a vital investment in our state's sustainability. Addressing essential needs such as safe and affordable drinking water access, wildfire prevention, extreme heat mitigation, sustainable agriculture, and clean, renewable energy. Importantly, it targets the unique issues historically marginalized communities face while ensuring that these investments create geographical equity. These efforts are crucial for protecting our environment and the most vulnerable populations. I look forward to seeing this bond on the November ballot. My deepest gratitude goes to Speaker Robert Rivas, Senate Pro Tem Mike McGuire, and my legislative colleagues for their unwavering leadership and commitment to this critical cause.”

Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi

“I want to thank Governor Newsom, Assembly Speaker Rivas, Senate President Pro Tem McGuire, and my colleagues for their support for this urgently needed statewide school bond,” said Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance), lead author of AB 247 and Chair of the Assembly Education Committee. “This bond will provide funds necessary to repair dilapidated and unsafe school facilities and to meet 21st century educational and workforce needs.  If approved by California voters, this measure will make state matching dollars available to every school district in every community throughout the state, with locally identified school facility priorities and local taxpayer accountability. California has not passed a statewide school bond since 2016, and we are running out of state bond funds.  We need to invest in our children and our future workforce by passing this school bond in November.”  

Ensuring a 21st Century Education for All Students

The Legislature worked collaboratively to create a $10 billion bond to fund repairs and infrastructure improvements in thousands of schools across California. Furthermore, the bond sets aside 10% of the money for small districts and expands the number of schools that qualify for financial hardship assistance, ensuring fairness for schools that are unable to issue their own bond. Research shows that students thrive in modernized school buildings. Voters have the opportunity to finance infrastructure projects that will help California’s students succeed.

Historic Climate Resiliency Investments

This week’s statewide heat wave and wildfires are the most recent evidence of the significant impact of climate change on California over the last decade. Climate change has amplified both the frequency and impact of the state’s wildfires, droughts, storms, and other natural disasters. If passed by voters, the Safe Drinking Water, Wildfire Prevention, Drought Preparedness, and Clean Air Bond Act of 2024 would authorize $10 billion in bonds to finance climate-smart projects that would enhance communities’ abilities to withstand natural disasters induced by worsening climate change.


Speaker of the Assembly Robert Rivas represents California’s 29th Assembly District, which includes all of San Benito County and portions of Monterey, Santa Cruz, and Santa Clara Counties. For a full biography of Speaker Rivas, click here.